
Python, C++, MATLAB

Software Tools:
ROS1, ROS2, Rviz, Gazebo, Git, Docker, LaTex, Linux

Hardware Integartion:
Rosmaster R2, TurtleBot3, Nvidia Jetson (Nano, Orin)

PyTorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib

Featured Projects


Autonomous Navigation into Mock Smart City

In this project, we advance one step ahead of our previous project, Autonomous Navigation Using Vision Only Mode.
Skills: ROS2, SLAM, RViz, OpenCV, YOLOv8


Autonomous Navigation: Depth based Perception

This project demonstrated the effective use of computer vision techniques, and control algorithms in developing an autonomous navigation system.


SRCNN - Super Resolution

The Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (SRCNN) is a pioneering deep learning model developed for single-image super-resolution.
Skills: Keras, OpenCV NumPy Matplotlib scikit-image


Deep Industrial Anomaly Detection

The goal of this project was to create a system that can accurately detect defects in industrial components.
Skills: PyTorch


Image Segmentation with HRNet

The objective of this project is to segment images of birds and squirrels using the HRNet model for object segmentation.
Skills: Tensorflow, OpenCV, Matplotlib, NumPy

Image Removal: Advanced Inpainting Technique

The objective of this project is to remove particular object from a set of images through inpainting.
Skills: Pytorch , Matplotlib, NumPy

Inpainting Birds with Generative Models

In this project, we used deep learning-based inpainting techniques that leverage the generative capabilities of models, allowing for a broader range of inpainting possibilities.
Skills: Pytorch , Matplotlib, NumPy

Robotic path planning with Turtle bot 3

In this project, how path planning algorithm finds the optimal path in an known terrain with a multiple obstacle using TurtleBot3 robot into the Gazebo environment using Dijkstra's and A* is given.
Skills: ROS, Gazebo, Rviz, Docker, SLAM, C++

Autonomous Navigation in known Environmnet

This project serves as a mere fraction of our comprehensive path planning initiative. This project, although singular in focus, represents a crucial segment of a larger endeavor aimed at refining path planning methodologies.
Skills: ROS1, Gazebo, Rviz, SLAM, C++
